Learn to Code
To get started learning to code, we suggest starting with the freeCodeCamp website and working through their interactive curriculum. When you're ready, join us on Discord.
When you first start learning to code, remember to be patient and don't be afraid to reach out for help. There will be times you feel overwhelmed and it's important to remember that it's normal to feel this way. Connecting with fellow learners can help you break down barriers.
Attend a Meetup
To attend a meetup, sign up to our next event on Meetup. Meetups are a great way to learn something new. We generally give updates about programs in freeCodeCamp Dallas and have a speaker each event who will give a lesson on a code related topic.
In the future, we intend to introduce workshops. These workshops will be targeted for different skill levels and will be a great way to push yourself in a workshop targeted for learners at your level.
Get and Give Feedback
Both getting and giving feedback are an important part of the learning process. To start getting feedback on your work, join us on Discord or Facebook.
If you're further along, you may enjoy mentoring others who are trying to learn. Giving feedback is a great way to provide coaching. Whether you're brand new or a seasoned engineer, we hope you'll join us in building one another's skills.
Join a Cohort
Cohorts is a program that connects you with other campers at your skill level to build projects together. Read more about cohorts here. To get started, join us on Discord, join the cohorts channel, and ask about join cohorts.
We recommend that everyone give our cohorts program a shot. Building with others is a sure way to accelerate your growth once you're far enough along to begin building projects.
Contribute to our Site
This website is an open source project. Click here for the repo. You can read more about the reasons for writing this site here. Contribution to this site will have opportunities for many skill levels, but all code submissions will go through a round of code review. The code review is a great way to get feedback and to interact with our team.